Lewis Doyle

Sfear of Death

Name: Sfear of Death
System: Windows PC
Genre: Arcade, Action
Completion time: 48 hours (Game Jam)
Engine: Game Maker Studio 2

Team: 2 people
Game Jam theme: Game-World is Sphere
Inspiration: Katamari, Super meat boy
Project Responsibilities: Programming (All), Designer (Shared)

Description: Nearing the end of his square life, squareboi discovers that there is more to life than squares. The world is a sphere. The world is a sphere! Letting the square within burst forth, he spirals into a manic rampage, raging against the four sided shapes that have boxed in his life… but there’s more than spheres and squares out there…

Tools used:

  1. Game Maker Studio 2 (GML)
  2. Pen & Paper – GDD